In the News

LSM Class of 2018 Experiences Public Safety in Southern Maryland

LEONARDTOWN, Md. – February 16, 2018:  On February 8, 2018, the Leadership Southern Maryland (LSM) Class of 2018 participated in the sixth of nine educational sessions – Public Safety. The day began with an introduction and welcome by facilitator Gerald Gardiner Jr. LSM’15 at Calvert County Public Safety.  He proceeded to set the tone for the day with a team exercise followed by an overview of public safety in the region.

Next, the class received a brief from Fire/EMS personnel.  Bill Smith (Charles County), Kelly Bell (St. Mary’s County), and Wayne Hardesty (Calvert County) discussed the volunteer Fire and EMS programs and their recruitment challenges.  The morning was capped off with an introduction to the Southern Maryland Information Center, where law enforcement collects, evaluates, and disseminates information on known or suspected criminal violators, groups, or organizations for analytical exploitation.  Chris Strong, meteorologist from the National Weather Service (NWS), was also on-hand to explain how NWS shares information to help the counties prepare for weather events.

The afternoon portion of the session included a presentation about narcotics.  The class also had the opportunity to interact with volunteers from the Fire/EMS departments, get up close and personal with emergency vehicles, and tour the Calvert County Detention Center.  Al Jeffery, division chief of emergency management for Calvert County, wrapped up the day with a discussion on emergency management and collaborative efforts among the Southern Maryland counties.  The class adjourned and members headed to Brick Wood Fired Bistro in Prince Frederick to discuss the day’s events.

Leadership Southern Maryland is a nine-month tuition-based program and is designed and dedicated to educate and inspire a diverse group of current and emerging leaders to create collaborations and partnerships to impact the community needs of Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties and incorporates a cross-section of the region to include diversity of geographic location, profession, ethnicity and gender.

Leadership Southern Maryland is now accepting applications for the Class of 2019 Executive Program. Interested emerging and senior leaders should visit to learn more about the program and apply by April 1, 2018.



Leadership Southern Maryland is a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service (EIN#26-2989381).  Contributions are deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permitted by law.

For more information, please contact the Helen Mattingly Wernecke, Executive Director Leadership Southern Maryland, 240-725-5469 via email or visit