In the News

LSM Class of 2022 Experiences Economic & Workforce Development in Southern Maryland

LEONARDTOWN, Md. – October 15, 2021 – On October 7, 2021, Leadership Southern Maryland’s Class of 2022 held its first of nine program sessions to learn about economic and workforce development in the tri-county region. Tracy Barkhimer LSM ’21, president of TABAS & Co, LLC, was the advocate for the session and planned the day’s events. The event was held at Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons, Maryland.

The day opened with a panel discussion featuring economic development representatives from Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties.  The class then explored the topic of creating entrepreneurial communities with Wynne Briscoe, director of the Southern Region, Small Business Development Center; Tommy Luginbill, former director of Techport 2.0 UAS Business Incubator & Community Innovation Hub; and Matt Scassero LSM founding sponsor and director of the University of Maryland Unmanned Aerial Test Site.

The afternoon kicked off with a presentation by Ellen Flowers-Fields LSM’09, associate vice president of Continuing Education & Workforce Development, College of Southern Maryland, and Ruthy Davis LSM’14, director of regional workforce and business development for the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland who discussed meeting the region’s workforce development demands. A brief on the mission and curriculum of the Dr. James A. Forrest Career & Technology Center along with a panel on tourism in Southern Maryland rounded out the day.  “All of the speakers provided value,” Class of 2022’s Leslie Fazio reflected. “It was interesting hearing about all of the resources available in the area and the challenges the region faces to support growth.” The class also got a behind-the-scenes tour of Calvert Marine Museum.

After the program day, the class enjoyed LSM Homecoming “Under the Lighthouse” hosted by the Leadership Southern Maryland Alumni Association.  Graduates gathered together to meet the newest class and reconnect with classmates, board members, and friends of LSM.

Leadership Southern Maryland offers a nine-month, tuition-based Executive program as well as a six-month, tuition-based Emerging Leaders program. The organization is designed and dedicated to educate and inspire a diverse group of current and emerging leaders to create collaborations and partnerships to impact the community needs of Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties and incorporates a cross-section of the region to include a diversity of geographic location, profession, ethnicity, and gender.


Leadership Southern Maryland is a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service (EIN#26-2989381).  Contributions are deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permitted by law.

For more information, please contact Denise Foster, Executive Director Leadership Southern Maryland, 301-862-SOMD, via email or visit

The Patuxent Partnership Executive Director Bonnie Green moderated a panel on Creating Entrepreneurial Communities during the October 7 LSM Economic & Workforce Development session.