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LSM Welcomes Calvert Alumna to the Board

LEONARDTOWN, Md., December 13, 2016: The Leadership Southern Maryland Board of Directors has announced the addition of Carrie Plymire, a graduate of the Class of 2016, to its board of directors.

“I’m honored to join the board of Leadership Southern Maryland,” said Plymire, “and to have been asked to chair the Programs Committee. I believe deeply in the power of this Leadership Program to engage graduates in the challenges and opportunities of identifying, celebrating and improving the quality of life in our Southern Maryland communities.”

Plymire has been a resident of Calvert County since July of 2013. She came to Southern Maryland to become the Director of Calvert Library. She brings an enthusiasm for community building and a commitment to exceptional customer service at the library’s four locations.

Prior to working for Calvert Library, Plymire worked at Washington County Free Library and Western Maryland Regional Libraries in Hagerstown, Maryland. She was the Technical Services Supervisor and guided the library’s migration to a new software system.

Plymire earned her Master’s in Library and Information Sciences from Drexel University, an institution with a great reputation for a rigorous and tech-oriented degree. Her undergraduate degree was done at St. John’s College where students study the “Great Books” of the western world. The emphasis on critical analysis and intense discussion has served her well in her leadership roles.

Plymire has been deeply involved in the Maryland Library Association and has served as president of the Leadership Development Division, silent auction chair, Conference Director, VP/President Elect, President and the highly coveted post of Past-President. She is also serving a three-year term on the Public Library Association’s Legislation and Advocacy Committee. Plymire is a graduate of the Maryland Library Leadership Institute and Leadership Washington County where she also served on the board and as Board Secretary.


Leadership Southern Maryland is an independent, educational leadership development organization designed to broaden the knowledge base of mid- to senior-level public and private sector executives about the critical issues, challenges, and opportunities facing the region. Leadership Southern Maryland is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.